RE-create Magazine
Art Director:Hu Yifei
Designer:Hu Yifei
Client: Hu Yifei
︎With the concept of visual recreating, connotation recreating, and derivative recreating, the brand of Recreate Art Derivatives is aim to build and promote the soul of artist derivatives. It spreads the artistic culture and the spirit of the artist through the promotion of art derivatives, and also promotes the brand. The inspiration of Logo graphic design comes from the typeface design process of "recreate", which combines the three symbols of visual recreating, connotation recreating and derivative recreating. On the expansibility of the brand, the concept of sustainable extension is added. The fusion of the brand and works of different artists will create new extension forms and add more color to the brand's spread.
原研哉在《设计中的设计》中就曾提到“在某些情况下,当受众得到的不是条信息,而是一具空的容器时,传播因为受众自己提供了意义而发生”。同时,在《白》中谈及“空的意义”时,原研哉也用空碗举例:“创造性的头脑,简单来说,不会将一只空碗视为无价值的物品,而是视之为正处于一种过渡状态,等待着终将去填充它的内容”。因此,“再造” 艺术衍生品品牌图形在这里也具有“空的意义”,若将它视作一个中空的符号,它就成为了一个空的容器,这也就增加了标志视觉承载的无穷可能性。当提供不同设计元素或不同艺术家作品时,标志符号应对不同的应用需求就拥有了不同的意义传递。这也是“再造” 艺术衍生品品牌价值的核心所在:作为一个艺术过渡的平台,它能在承载不同艺术家作品的同时,也将不同艺术家和艺术家作品的精神述求通过艺术衍生品的形式传播出去,并且等待着受众的解读。