
Zealren Design

Art Director:Hu Yifei
Designer:Hu Yifei
Client: Chengdu Zealren Deisgn Co., Ltd.

︎Zealren Design is a interior space design company, which the design creative of its logo shows the sense of space. Changeable ideas of enhancing visual expression are extracted from the abstract elements such as "space, material, texture, decoration, light and shadow” which is commonly used in space design. That can reflect the professional and  dynamics creative design of space design to provide the  sense and experience of diversity, to enhance the visual recognition of the brand.

Zealren  Design 是成都的一家室内空间设计公司,其品牌logo设计创意体现空间感,且多变的创意将空间设计中常用的“空间、材质、肌理、装饰、光影”等要素进行抽象提炼并与标志结合,体现空间设计的专业性和创意设计的多变性,以及品牌提供设计服务在感官和体验上的多元性,从而增强品牌的视觉识别度。