
Armo Hotel

Art Director:Hu Yifei
Designer:Hu Yifei
Client: Chengdu Armo Hotel

︎The particularity of ARMO HOTEL is that professional gaming computers are provided for customers who play games. So in this project, we discussed the sense of power, speed and fashion in typeface and typograph design, and kept away the colorful visual experience in the game vision. Hope that the customers have a different feeling to stay in ARMO HOTEL.

亚慕酒店(ARMO HOTEL)针对年轻群体在酒店客房配置高端游戏电脑,以便客人在住房时可以体验竞技网游和潮流文化。我们为酒店设计了一套特立独行的定制字体,整套VI也围绕定制字体及其变体展开,传递了年轻人崇尚的竞技网游所带来的力量感和速度感,还带着一丝另类的时尚感。配色结合酒店空间的黑白金,希望住客通过整个视觉系统完成一次关于时尚和娱乐的视觉体验。